When it comes to SEO, there are so many tips and tricks out there, you really have to narrow it down to the cream of the crop. Don’t worry, Inc. has done that for you by tapping 12 leading SEO gurus, including myself. When asked what my best tip was, I was quick to go back to the basics. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel constantly with SEO—especially if that’s all you do! Some of the classics still work, like focusing on original, organic content and making sure you correctly tie social media into your SEO campaigns. Use authoritative links only when appropriate, make sure you take care of video descriptions to make them SEO rich, and manage those keyword variables.

My colleagues recommend creating trust with your customers via SEO campaigns, because that ties directly back to how your brand is perceived. Producing virality is always an ultimate goal, and it should be part of your larger strategy (although do know that there’s no such thing as a guaranteed viral post). Understanding your customers is at the core of your business and SEO, so keep in mind that both search algorithms and you want the same thing (to connect with the best customers for your business).

See all 12 tips at Inc.com now:
12 Best SEO Tips from Top SEO Experts-with John Rampton v.2